Turkey Stuffing -Thanksgiving
From the Kitchen of: Sue H
Saute Fresh vegies in a little broth, add a little at a time just to keep mixture moist. Saute just a few minutes until celery begins to soften. May saute a couple days ahead, frigerate & room temp before adding to croutons...
Right before stuffing the turkey, FIRST empty each of the Stove Top boxes into a separate bowl, to inspect before adding to the large mixing bowl..(2018 too, 2017, found many hard stems in one of the boxes, eeek!) Add broth & butter, then sauteed vegies. (add a little more broth or butter, to make sure it is moist)
SEPARATE BAKED STUFFING: Christmas Eve 2016, too much stuffing for turkey, so... buttered appropriate size casserole dish, press stuffing in, cover and set on counter. When turkey comes out of the oven, add turkey drippings over the top of the casserole and Bake covered at 325 degrees, 30 minutes. WE ALL LIKED THIS. That's the only way Shannon will eat the stuffing!
Last Modified: November 20, 2024