Turkey Preparation-Thanksgiving
From the Kitchen of: Sue H & Shannon H
Thanksgiving eve (or couple days prior): create a BUTTER ROLL with ingredients, using saran wrap. Then into frig to harden.
Day Before or Morning: unwrap the turkey, place in turkey pan uncovered & return to frig. Do NOT RINSE with water! Turkey (20 lb) out of frig 1 hour before cooking (new in 2020, to come close to room temperature)
PREHEAT OVEN TO 325 degrees... spray pan w/ Cooking Spray.
Slice the Butter ROLL into 1/4 inch-ish slices. Place about a few of the slices into NECK CAVITY & stuff. Fold skin, tuck wings under & turn over.
Sprinkle fresh pepper into the Large Cavity & Place about 1/3 ish of the roll into it, while Filling it with STUFFING. Finish with a couple slices on top of the stuffing.
Place most of the remaining roll slices under the skin (saving a few slices for the top of the turkey). Careful, go slow, a little at a time cuz the skin breaks easily.
Sprinkle a little paprika on skin & press the rest of Butter ROLL slices on the top of the turkey. Add about 1 can chicken broth to pan (Maybe slightly more, but Not 2 full cans).
Cook 20 lb turkey for 3.5 HOURS WITHOUT OPENING OVEN! Then remove from oven to check temperature. Using electronic thermometer, check temp in locations illustrated in the Weber Thermometer instructions History has been to remove permanently from oven when at least *155-160 degrees is reached in both thighs. BUT if need more time, rotate the turkey & return to oven for 20-30 min. 2020: rotated turkey at 3 Hours, returned for 30 min & edited instructions to start with 3.5 Hours! 2019: rotated turkey & removed at 3 hrs, BUT returned to oven for 15 more min. 2018: for the past several years turkey has been ready to remove at 3 hrs
Remove from oven, Quickly Baste the turkey stuffing, add lots of the drippings to the gravy, then LET REST WITH A "TENT OF FOIL", AT LEAST 1 HOUR, 2 hours is Good too!
(previously: COVER TURKEY TIGHTLY W/ HEAVY-DUTY FOIL Let turkey REST A FULL HOUR to assist w/ juicy-ness and to allow temp to rise to the required minimum of 165 degrees.)
CARVING HINT: For the MOST TENDER breast meat, remove entire breast and slice on cutting board AGAINST THE GRAIN https://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/cooking-tips-techniques/carve-turkey
Re: Stuffing Casserole: see stuffing instructions regarding making a separate stuffing casserole dish
Last Modified: November 23, 2023