Pumpkin Pie Filling-Thanksgiving
From the Kitchen of: Sue H
First, measure ingredients exactly...Measure salt & spices into one small glass & use pestle to mash & blend those together.(extra cloves cuz me & KC like it clovey!)
Preheat oven to 425degrees Hand-beat eggs lightly (in very large bowl). Stir in the rest of the ingredients in the order given, stirring well after each ingredient. NOTE-add half n half little at a time, stirring slowly to avoid liquid flying out of bowl! :-)
Pierce the crust bottom and sides with a fork. Start filling pie crust on counter, but put on oven rack to finish filling... to avoid spilling! (per Shan 11/2012!)
For 2 quiche plates, bake 20 min. @ 425degrees and then 50-53 min. @ 350degrees until knife inserted in center comes out w/ a little of the filling residue. (50 min: 2018,2016,2013). 1 quiche plate, bake 15 minutes at 425degrees, then reduce temperature to 350Ëš and bake 40-50 minutes.
Last Modified: November 29, 2024