Oatmeal Cookies
From the Kitchen of: Diana B
Cream together the first 5 ingredients, then add oatmeal, and then the sifted mixture. Mix well with hands (or in the same order, add all to a large standing mixer i.e. Kitchenaid) Don't add raisins yet!
Refrigerate dough for half-hour-ish to rest (or may be kept in frig for few days, but bring close to room temp before baking)
Using a Round Tablespoon, fill with dough (rounded into the spoon, almost doubling the size). Fold raisins into each individual cookie and onto cookie tray, 2 inches apart.
Bake 350 degrees 10-12 min, until lightly brown but still a little shiny on top, for a crispy outer edge & chewy inside. DON'T OPEN OVEN, BEFORE END OF COOKING TIME, UNLESS they seem to be getting too brown! Cool in tray 2 minutes, then move to cookie rack to cool completely, at least 10 minutes.
Last Modified: March 28, 2020