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Krispie Marshmallow Treats

From the Kitchen of: Sue H

Micro butter slices on Low (30%) for 1 min-ish, till just before completely melted. Then stir quickly to complete the melt.

Add marshmallows, using a tupperware spatula, toss carefully & thoroughly to coat. Micro at 60% 1-2 min-ish, periodically, stirring & scraping the sides & bottom until well-blended.

Using spatula, gently & slowly, little at a time, pour krispies into marshmallow mixture. Coat all krispies, scraping sides & bottom very well. Then with the butter wrapper or buttered spatula, press treats down tightly, smoothly, evenly into pan.  Cover with wax paper till cooled, about 1-hr ish. Cut into 12 squares. CHEWY, GOOEY, YUMMY!!

Last Modified: November 7, 2021