Fajitas for Party
From the Kitchen of: Sue H
Prep Day (4 hrs prep time):
Grill chicken until almost done. Cut into strips.
Mix Lawry's w/ 2 c water, micro 6-8 min until kinda thick, wisk often
Saute vegies in 2 separate batches, in 3 Tbsp. olive oil, til start browning, approx 20 min. ea.
Add cooked vegies to chicken in huge yellow bowl, mix to coat all ingredients, refrigerate.
Party Day- fills 6qt crock pot to brim. Heat for about 3 hrs high, 3 hrs low, til serving time.
Serve with warm tortillas, salsa, tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream, shredded cheese......
Last Modified: April 6, 2008