search = Sue's Recipes

Hard Boiled Eggs

From the Kitchen of: Shannon & Me :-)

Place JUMBO Eggs in bottom of pot, fill water to about an inch above the eggs. On high, watch for boil. When boil starts, set timer for 10 min.

Prep a VERY Large almost Flat-bottom Bowl with ice & some water. Immediately remove from stove, use tong to carefully place each egg into the bowl, surrounding each individual egg with ice/water. Let sit for 5-8 minutes, carefully remove eggs, wipe dry and refrigerate.

This method allows for perfectly cooked eggs (not grey yolks) AND allows for easy peeling.

>>SECRET TO EASY PEELING: use older eggs, follow ice cooling method in the instructions, and crack gently in one or two places, NOT all over the egg :-)

Last Modified: January 14, 2022